La Escuela Nueva en la Educación Primaria Rural del Suroccidente Colombiano

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The present investigation arose as a result of the reflection on the New School, specifically with the new rural schools of the Nariño and Putumayo regions in Colombia. The existing theory on the object of the investigation was examined, then the participants were characterized according to the social representation to which they belonged and the evaluation instruments were elaborated. After organizing the information collected, the analysis of the research was based to support the conclusions and recommendations aimed at strengthening the new rural school. The present investigation was mixed or integrative and collected qualitative and quantitative information. Conglomerates of students, teachers, trainers, coordinators and parents were grouped for the application of the instruments. Three social work groups were formed: Afro-descendants, indigenous and peasants. In this way, the work unit was made up of 40 rural schools, a total of 147 people participated, of whom 44.2% were peasants, 40.8% indigenous and 15% Afro-descendants. The final result allowed evaluating the set of socioeconomic characteristics of the region, as well as the curricular, training, administrative and community elements of the new rural school. It was concluded that the new Colombian school is an important pedagogical exercise that has presented difficulties in the rural practical field, so it is necessary to provide the community with guarantees of training, resources and support to ensure its proper consolidation.
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