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Resumen de Plan de acción tutorial para los alumnos de primer curso del Grado de Enfermería en la Facultad de Enfermería de Melilla

Emilio González Jiménez, Carmen Enrique Mirón, Miguel Ángel Montero Alonso, Juan A. González García, Silvia Navarro Prado, Marta López Bueno, María del Mar Alfaya Góngora, Mª José Bueno Pernias, Bibinha Benbunan Bentata, Carmen Kraemer, María mercedes Gil Ruiz, Amelia Lozano Moreno

  • español

    Antecedentes: Este trabajo presenta un proyecto de acción tutorial (PAT) iniciado en el curso 2012/2013 en la Facultad de Enfermería de Melilla (UGR), cuyos objetivos fueron crear un espacio de atención al alumnado para orientar su formación integral y facilitar su aprendizaje. Método: Plan de Acción Tutorial dirigido a alumnos/as de primer curso del Grado en Enfermería. En él participan, además, tutores-profesores que tienen estudiantes asignados para su tutela, tutores-técnicos pertenecientes al cuerpo de personal de administración y servicios y responsables de servicios concretos, en particular la biblioteca y la sección académica de la Secretaría del Campus y la figura del tutor-coordinador del proyecto. Resultados: La experiencia ha sido valorada como muy positiva y útil por los alumnos, lográndose un mayor seguimiento y orientación de su aprendizaje. Las reuniones entre tutores-profesores, tutores-técnicos y el tutorcoordinador han permitido concretar los avances alcanzados y dificultades encontradas.

    El alumnado implicado ha conseguido integrarse plenamente en el Campus, conociendo las instalaciones existentes. Conclusiones: La participación en el proyecto ha permitido aminorar dificultades académicas de los estudiantes participantes y su integración en el Campus. El éxito de las actividades y satisfacción de los alumnos determinan continuar con dicha experiencia.

  • English

    Antecedents: This paper describes a tutorial action project (TAP) that began in the academic year 2012-2013 in the Faculty of Nursing in Melilla (UGR). The objective was to create a mentoring service that would orient students in university life. The assumption was that this type of guidance would facilitate their entry into university life and help them acquire a well-rounded education. Method: The tutorial action plan was designed for first-year students in the Nursing Degree Program. Academic as well as administrative staff acted as tutors for the students. For example, professors mentored the students assigned to them. However, the students also received guidance from administrative personnel participating in the project and from the heads of specific services, such as the library and the academic section of the Secretariat of the Melilla Campus. The project coordinator acted as a tutor as well. Results: The experience was very positively evaluated by the students, who felt that the guidance and orientation that they received during the project greatly facilitated the learning process. Moreover, their meetings with the various tutors (i.e. professors, administrative staff, and project coordinator) helped them to identify positive outcomes as well as difficulties that that they would have to deal with. The students that participated in this project achieved full integration in the campus and academic life, thanks to their acquaintance with all of the university installations and all of the help received from the staff who participated in the project. Conclusions: The mentoring received by the students mitigated the academic difficulties experienced by the participants and facilitated their integration in the university. Because of the success of the activities and the students’ satisfaction with the results, it was decided to continue with the project in subsequent academic years.

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