Let it go. “Déjalo ir” or “Suéltalo”?

Audiovisual translation of songs, machine translation and post-editing in the foreign language classroom


  • Miguel Ángel Jordán Enamorado IULMA. Universitat de València
  • Alicia Ricart Vayá IULMA. Universitat de València




Linguistic competence, Skills development, Innovation, Audiovisual translation, Teaching methods, ICT, Translation studies


In this paper we offer a teaching methodology to improve the communicative competence and digital skills of foreign language students through the audiovisual translation of songs by means of machine translation tools followed by the post-editing of the texts. This methodology has been implemented satisfactorily in the subject English 3 (C 1 level) of the degrees of English Studies and Translation and Interlinguistic Mediation of the University of Valencia.


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How to Cite

Jordán Enamorado, M. Ángel ., & Ricart Vayá, A. (2022). Let it go. “Déjalo ir” or “Suéltalo”? Audiovisual translation of songs, machine translation and post-editing in the foreign language classroom. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 14(6), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.37467/revhuman.v11.4180



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