Les Annuaires Scolaires : la richesse d’une source pour l’histoire de l’école et des élèves

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Paulí Dávila
Luis Naya
Joana Miguelena


The study of religious schools and colleges in Spain is lacking in sources that explain the school and extracurricular activities that they carried out throughout the 20th century. The so-called Memorias escolares (Yearbooks) provide important information on these topics. The first objective of this article is to present this documentary source published by an important group of schools and colleges of education controlled by male religious orders and congregations in Spain. The second is to analyze the function of these annual publications, where story telling are narrated, prepared by the centers themselves and with great information on their activities. Third, we want to highlight the role of yearbooks and their relationship with the construction of the memory of students, through editors, photographs or their professional orientations. Therefore, yearbooks are an important documentary source for knowing not only school practices, but also the link they have with students to shape an identity and build a memory for the future.

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Part III: Special Features