El coaching com a estratègia psicològica: punts clau per a la seua correcta aplicació

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Coaching is a term that can be used as a synonym for personal development, and that can be used as «therapies» or «pseudotherapies» with different effects on the people who submit to them. It is necessary, for the practice, coaching practice that this concept is well defined and all those involved in it, assume the role for the maximum benefit of all, knowing also that it is a psychological based methodology that can be applied in various fields and by different professionals, attending to the correct conditions of application. In this work and with the main purpose of clarifying the proper concept of coaching, it was defined as the role of the protagonists and what characteristics are essential for the sea that really has for people who rely on this methodology.
Bibliographic reference
Peris Delcampo, David ; Cantón Chirivella, Enrique. El coaching com a estratègia psicològica: punts clau per a la seua correcta aplicació. En: Anuari de Psicologia de la Societat Valenciana de Psicologia, 2018, Vol. 19, no. 2: 203-219