The legal recognition of the human rights situation of women with disabilities in the state of Qatar


  • María Laura Serra Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
  • María del Carmen Barranco Avilés Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
  • Patricia Cuenca Gómez Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
  • Rafael De Asís Roig Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
  • Pablo Rodríguez del Pozo Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar



Women with Disabilities, Qatar, Article 6 CRPD, Equality and Non-Discirmination


From the continental law, this paper analyses the situation regarding the rights and fundamental freedoms of women with disabilities in Qatar. The analysis uses as the main reference, Article 6 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and the General Comment that the CRPD Committee has made to this article. In this aspect, it tries to outline the difficulties that Qatar, as a State party, has in order to be able and take the very first steps towards a real inclusion for women with disabilities


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How to Cite

Serra, M. L., Barranco Avilés, M. del C. ., Cuenca Gómez, P., De Asís Roig, R. ., & Rodríguez del Pozo, P. . (2017). The legal recognition of the human rights situation of women with disabilities in the state of Qatar. The Age of Human Rights Journal, 9, 105-115.