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Resumen de Towards efficient partial evaluation in logic programming

David A. Fuller, Sacha A. Bocic, Leopoldo Bertossi

  • Partial evaluation is a symbolic manipulation technique used to produce efficient algorithms when part of the input to the algorithm is known.

    Other applications of partial evaluators such as universal compilation and compiler generation are also known to be possible. A partial evaluator receives as input a program and partially known input to that program, and outputs a residual program which runs at least as efficient as the input program with restricted input.

    In this paper we study the case where both the input and residual programs are logic programs, being the partial evaluator itself a logic program. Up to now, partial evaluators have failed to produce large "non-toy" examples. Here we present extensions to the partial evaluation operations which will allow us to produce more efficient residual programs using less computing resources during partial evaluation. Examples are given.

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