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Resumen de A física médica: imaxe e aceleradores

José Bernabéu, Àngels Faus-Golfe

  • English

    The relationship between physics and medicine can be traced back many years. In the modern world we now know that everything began more than 100 years ago with the discovery of X-rays. From then on, physics has had outstanding achievements involving different issues concerning medical imagery. In the past few decades, thanks to the advancement of the development of particle and nuclear physics, it has been possible to access the inside of the human body with these improved imaging techniques. This way, precise diagnoses can be achieved harmlessly, i.e., without affecting any organ. Furthermore, particle accelerators represent an important advancement in the treatment of cancer and certain neurodegenerative diseases

  • galego

    Desde o descubrimento dos Raios X, a vinculación entre a Fïsica e a Medicina ten tido excepcionais aplicacións en diferentes campos do diagnóstico por imaxe e tamén na terapia. Nas últimas décadas, grazas aos coñecementos e aos desenvolvementos da física nuclear e de partículas, ten sido posible acceder ao interior do corpo humano con esas técnicas de imaxe, e doutra banda téñense acadado importantes avances no tratamento eficaz do cancro e certas enfermidades neurodexenerativas

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